Finding the Bargains

Admittedly, some of the bargains that I, or other writers find will not be available to you.  Some are one time only sales, or specific to certain stores, however, many of the games that are on clearance in one place will soon be clearance in another.  So here are some great places to look.

Circuit City:  This seems to be the granddaddy of closeouts for whatever reason.  On any given day, you may find dozens of games under $10, of course some of them are total and utter crap, which we will try to steer you away from, but some are gold, like Sid Meier’s Pirates! for example.  The first rule to bargain hunting is that great games continue to be great, even after they are two years old.  Best Deal Ever Obtained- Manhunt PS2- $3.99

Best Buy:  While slightly less closeout friendly that Circuit City, you can still stumble upon great deals here, though they usually are not advertised on the website or newspapers, you will have to do some legwork, and it won’t always work out.  Best Deal Ever Obtained- Corvette/Starsky and Hutch 2-pack- $0.99

Target:  In the back of the electronics section of a Target, there is often a clearance shelf on the end of an aisle.  Look for a messy pile of games, CDs and other items with red tags on them.  The quality and size of clearance items varies greatly from day to day, but there is a lot of quality gaming to be found.  Best Deal Ever Obtained- X-Men Legends II- Gamecube- $3.74.

Used Games:  Used games are always another great option for a cash strapped gamer.  Stores such as Gamestop often have stacks of used titles for under $10 and Ebay is filled with great items that can be bought for way under market value.  Again, it takes digging and legwork, but the rewards can be huge.  Best Deal Ever Obtained- Ghost Recon 2- XBox- $0.10 + $2.50 S/H

As this site (hopefully) grows.  I hope you will all take the time to alert other readers to great deals that you find in stores across the country.  As always, just leave any comments below.

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