Fugitive Hunter- $3.99

Fugitive Hunter- PS2- $3.99 at Blockbuster Video

Up until now, I’ve given you little gaming gems.  However, not all bargain games are bargains, some games are cheap because they are truly awful.  Enter Fugitive Hunter- War on Terror, a game so slip-shod, insulting and racist, you will have to take a shower after you finish playing it.  It may be the worst game you ever play.

These are actual graphics from the game, I shit you not

How do you even review a game like this?  What completely broken section do you tackle first?  Gameplay is a disaster because of remarkably awful controls and miserable level design.  Take for example the first mission, a mission where you run down the side of a big tan mountain, shooting little tan people that randomly spawn from little tan places.

Controlling your character is similar to ever first person shooter on the PS2, with the left stick controlling movement and the right stick controlling look/aim.  However, the right stick jumps in spurts and never really reacts how you would expect it to, leading to a number of missed shots.  Fugitive Hunter has this problem covered by implementing an auto-aim lock on system; wait, that is broken as well.

In short, the main portion of the game is entirely broken.  Lest the problems stop at mere control, the design itself is broken.  The levels are short, but occasionally nearing impossibility because objectives and where to proceed is so vague that you cannot figure out what you are supposed to do.  Meanwhile, enemies continue to respawn, using special terrorist generating machines that allow them to spawn in midair, inside walls and in rooms you’ve recently cleared out of all enemies.

Then there are the boss battles.  Boss battles take place in a third person Street Fighter minigame and its just as bad as you can imagine.  Fighting minigames in hockey titles have better fight simulators than this one.  Basically you press X until the bad guy falls over, then you press X some more until he is captured.  Really, I can’t make this crap up.

No really, this is a real shot

The graphics are as bad or worse than a PS1 game and the sound is even more frighteningly bad.  The game was shoved out after 9-11, presumably to get the budget minded redneck to buy it so they could kill virtual Bin Laden (in a kung fu fight of course).  This title isn’t even fit to be a coaster, let alone the bargain game you spend that hard earned 4 bucks on.  Hit a bucket of golf balls, buy a burrito, give it to charity, just don’t buy this irredeemable piece of shit game.

Update:  This game is so ridiculous that I forgot to even include a score.  So here it is- 0, this game blows.

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